# Algoritmus automatizovaného výpočtu úběžníků a úběžnic v obraze
1. Chaudhury, Krishnendu, Stephen DiVerdi, and Sergey Ioffe.
"Auto-rectification of user photos." 2014 IEEE International Conference on
Image Processing (ICIP). IEEE, 2014.
2. Bazin, Jean-Charles, and Marc Pollefeys. "3-line RANSAC for orthogonal
vanishing point detection." 2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on
Intelligent Robots and Systems. IEEE, 2012.
def compute_edgelets(image, sigma=3):
"""Create edgelets as in the paper.
Uses canny edge detection and then finds (small) lines using probabilstic
hough transform as edgelets.
image: ndarray
Image for which edgelets are to be computed.
sigma: float
Smoothing to be used for canny edge detection.
locations: ndarray of shape (n_edgelets, 2)
Locations of each of the edgelets.
directions: ndarray of shape (n_edgelets, 2)
Direction of the edge (tangent) at each of the edgelet.
strengths: ndarray of shape (n_edgelets,)
Length of the line segments detected for the edgelet.
gray_img = color.rgb2gray(image)
edges = feature.canny(gray_img, sigma)
lines = transform.probabilistic_hough_line(edges, line_length=3,
locations = []
directions = []
strengths = []
for p0, p1 in lines:
p0, p1 = np.array(p0), np.array(p1)
locations.append((p0 + p1) / 2)
directions.append(p1 - p0)
strengths.append(np.linalg.norm(p1 - p0))
# convert to numpy arrays and normalize
locations = np.array(locations)
directions = np.array(directions)
strengths = np.array(strengths)
directions = np.array(directions) / \
np.linalg.norm(directions, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
return (locations, directions, strengths)
def edgelet_lines(edgelets):
"""Compute lines in homogenous system for edglets.
edgelets: tuple of ndarrays
(locations, directions, strengths) as computed by `compute_edgelets`.
lines: ndarray of shape (n_edgelets, 3)
Lines at each of edgelet locations in homogenous system.
locations, directions, _ = edgelets
normals = np.zeros_like(directions)
normals[:, 0] = directions[:, 1]
normals[:, 1] = -directions[:, 0]
p = -np.sum(locations * normals, axis=1)
lines = np.concatenate((normals, p[:, np.newaxis]), axis=1)
return lines
def compute_votes(edgelets, model, threshold_inlier=5):
"""Compute votes for each of the edgelet against a given vanishing point.
Votes for edgelets which lie inside threshold are same as their strengths,
otherwise zero.
edgelets: tuple of ndarrays
(locations, directions, strengths) as computed by `compute_edgelets`.
model: ndarray of shape (3,)
Vanishing point model in homogenous cordinate system.
threshold_inlier: float
Threshold to be used for computing inliers in degrees. Angle between
edgelet direction and line connecting the Vanishing point model and
edgelet location is used to threshold.
votes: ndarry of shape (n_edgelets,)
Votes towards vanishing point model for each of the edgelet.
vp = model[:2] / model[2]
locations, directions, strengths = edgelets
est_directions = locations - vp
dot_prod = np.sum(est_directions * directions, axis=1)
abs_prod = np.linalg.norm(directions, axis=1) * \
np.linalg.norm(est_directions, axis=1)
abs_prod[abs_prod == 0] = 1e-5
cosine_theta = dot_prod / abs_prod
theta = np.arccos(np.abs(cosine_theta))
theta_thresh = threshold_inlier * np.pi / 180
return (theta < theta_thresh) * strengths
def ransac_vanishing_point(edgelets, num_ransac_iter=2000, threshold_inlier=5):
"""Estimate vanishing point using Ransac.
edgelets: tuple of ndarrays
(locations, directions, strengths) as computed by `compute_edgelets`.
num_ransac_iter: int
Number of iterations to run ransac.
threshold_inlier: float
threshold to be used for computing inliers in degrees.
best_model: ndarry of shape (3,)
Best model for vanishing point estimated.
Chaudhury, Krishnendu, Stephen DiVerdi, and Sergey Ioffe.
"Auto-rectification of user photos." 2014 IEEE International Conference on
Image Processing (ICIP). IEEE, 2014.
locations, directions, strengths = edgelets
lines = edgelet_lines(edgelets)
num_pts = strengths.size
arg_sort = np.argsort(-strengths)
first_index_space = arg_sort[:num_pts // 5]
second_index_space = arg_sort[:num_pts // 2]
best_model = None
best_votes = np.zeros(num_pts)
for ransac_iter in range(num_ransac_iter):
ind1 = np.random.choice(first_index_space)
ind2 = np.random.choice(second_index_space)
l1 = lines[ind1]
l2 = lines[ind2]
current_model = np.cross(l1, l2)
if np.sum(current_model**2) < 1 or current_model[2] == 0:
# reject degenerate candidates
current_votes = compute_votes(
edgelets, current_model, threshold_inlier)
if current_votes.sum() > best_votes.sum():
best_model = current_model
best_votes = current_votes
return best_model
def reestimate_model(model, edgelets, threshold_reestimate=5):
"""Reestimate vanishing point using inliers and least squares.
All the edgelets which are within a threshold are used to reestimate model
model: ndarry of shape (3,)
Vanishing point model in homogenous coordinates which is to be
edgelets: tuple of ndarrays
(locations, directions, strengths) as computed by `compute_edgelets`.
All edgelets from which inliers will be computed.
threshold_inlier: float
threshold to be used for finding inlier edgelets.
restimated_model: ndarry of shape (3,)
Reestimated model for vanishing point in homogenous coordinates.
locations, directions, strengths = edgelets
inliers = compute_votes(edgelets, model, threshold_reestimate) > 0
locations = locations[inliers]
directions = directions[inliers]
strengths = strengths[inliers]
lines = edgelet_lines((locations, directions, strengths))
a = lines[:, :2]
b = -lines[:, 2]
est_model = np.linalg.lstsq(a, b)[0]
return np.concatenate((est_model, [1.]))
def remove_inliers(model, edgelets, threshold_inlier=10):
"""Remove all inlier edglets of a given model.
model: ndarry of shape (3,)
Vanishing point model in homogenous coordinates which is to be
edgelets: tuple of ndarrays
(locations, directions, strengths) as computed by `compute_edgelets`.
threshold_inlier: float
threshold to be used for finding inlier edgelets.
edgelets_new: tuple of ndarrays
All Edgelets except those which are inliers to model.
inliers = compute_votes(edgelets, model, 10) > 0
locations, directions, strengths = edgelets
locations = locations[~inliers]
directions = directions[~inliers]
strengths = strengths[~inliers]
edgelets = (locations, directions, strengths)
return edgelets
def compute_homography_and_warp(image, vp1, vp2, clip=True, clip_factor=3):
"""Compute homography from vanishing points and warp the image.
It is assumed that vp1 and vp2 correspond to horizontal and vertical
directions, although the order is not assumed.
Firstly, projective transform is computed to make the vanishing points go
to infinty so that we have a fronto parellel view. Then,Computes affine
transfom to make axes corresponding to vanishing points orthogonal.
Finally, Image is translated so that the image is not missed. Note that
this image can be very large. `clip` is provided to deal with this.
image: ndarray
Image which has to be wrapped.
vp1: ndarray of shape (3, )
First vanishing point in homogenous coordinate system.
vp2: ndarray of shape (3, )
Second vanishing point in homogenous coordinate system.
clip: bool, optional
If True, image is clipped to clip_factor.
clip_factor: float, optional
Proportion of image in multiples of image size to be retained if gone
out of bounds after homography.
warped_img: ndarray
Image warped using homography as described above.
# Find Projective Transform
vanishing_line = np.cross(vp1, vp2)
H = np.eye(3)
H[2] = vanishing_line / vanishing_line[2]
H = H / H[2, 2]
# Find directions corresponding to vanishing points
v_post1 = np.dot(H, vp1)
v_post2 = np.dot(H, vp2)
v_post1 = v_post1 / np.sqrt(v_post1[0]**2 + v_post1[1]**2)
v_post2 = v_post2 / np.sqrt(v_post2[0]**2 + v_post2[1]**2)
directions = np.array([[v_post1[0], -v_post1[0], v_post2[0], -v_post2[0]],
[v_post1[1], -v_post1[1], v_post2[1], -v_post2[1]]])
thetas = np.arctan2(directions[0], directions[1])
# Find direction closest to horizontal axis
h_ind = np.argmin(np.abs(thetas))
# Find positve angle among the rest for the vertical axis
if h_ind // 2 == 0:
v_ind = 2 + np.argmax([thetas[2], thetas[3]])
v_ind = np.argmax([thetas[2], thetas[3]])
A1 = np.array([[directions[0, v_ind], directions[0, h_ind], 0],
[directions[1, v_ind], directions[1, h_ind], 0],
[0, 0, 1]])
# Might be a reflection. If so, remove reflection.
if np.linalg.det(A1) < 0:
A1[:, 0] = -A1[:, 0]
A = np.linalg.inv(A1)
# Translate so that whole of the image is covered
inter_matrix = np.dot(A, H)
cords = np.dot(inter_matrix, [[0, 0, image.shape[1], image.shape[1]],
[0, image.shape[0], 0, image.shape[0]],
[1, 1, 1, 1]])
cords = cords[:2] / cords[2]
tx = min(0, cords[0].min())
ty = min(0, cords[1].min())
max_x = cords[0].max() - tx
max_y = cords[1].max() - ty
if clip:
# These might be too large. Clip them.
max_offset = max(image.shape) * clip_factor / 2
tx = max(tx, -max_offset)
ty = max(ty, -max_offset)
max_x = min(max_x, -tx + max_offset)
max_y = min(max_y, -ty + max_offset)
max_x = int(max_x)
max_y = int(max_y)
T = np.array([[1, 0, -tx],
[0, 1, -ty],
[0, 0, 1]])
final_homography = np.dot(T, inter_matrix)
warped_img = transform.warp(image, np.linalg.inv(final_homography),
output_shape=(max_y, max_x))
return warped_img
def vis_edgelets(image, edgelets, show=True):
"""Helper function to visualize edgelets."""
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
locations, directions, strengths = edgelets
for i in range(locations.shape[0]):
xax = [locations[i, 0] - directions[i, 0] * strengths[i] / 2,
locations[i, 0] + directions[i, 0] * strengths[i] / 2]
yax = [locations[i, 1] - directions[i, 1] * strengths[i] / 2,
locations[i, 1] + directions[i, 1] * strengths[i] / 2]
plt.plot(xax, yax, 'r-')
if show:
def vis_model(image, model, show=True):
"""Helper function to visualize computed model."""
edgelets = compute_edgelets(image)
locations, directions, strengths = edgelets
inliers = compute_votes(edgelets, model, 10) > 0
edgelets = (locations[inliers], directions[inliers], strengths[inliers])
locations, directions, strengths = edgelets
vis_edgelets(image, edgelets, False)
vp = model / model[2]
plt.plot(vp[0], vp[1], 'bo')
for i in range(locations.shape[0]):
xax = [locations[i, 0], vp[0]]
yax = [locations[i, 1], vp[1]]
plt.plot(xax, yax, 'b-.')
if show:
def compute_vanishing_points(image, clip_factor=6, reestimate=False):
"""Rectified image with vanishing point computed using ransac.
image: ndarray
Image which has to be rectified.
clip_factor: float, optional
Proportion of image in multiples of image size to be retained if gone
out of bounds after homography.
reestimate: bool
If ransac results are to be reestimated using least squares with
inlers. Turn this off if getting bad results.
warped_img: ndarray
Rectified image.
# if type(image) is not np.ndarray:
# image = io.imread(image)
# Compute all edgelets.
edgelets1 = compute_edgelets(image)
vps = []
# Find first vanishing point
vp1 = ransac_vanishing_point(edgelets1, 2000, threshold_inlier=5)
if reestimate:
vp1 = reestimate_model(vp1, edgelets1, 5)
# Remove inlier to remove dominating direction.
edgelets2 = remove_inliers(vp1, edgelets1, 10)
# Find second vanishing point
vp2 = ransac_vanishing_point(edgelets2, 2000, threshold_inlier=5)
if reestimate:
vp2 = reestimate_model(vp2, edgelets2, 5)
edgelets3 = remove_inliers(vp2, edgelets2, 10)
# Find third vanishing point
vp3 = ransac_vanishing_point(edgelets3, 2000, threshold_inlier=5)
if reestimate:
vp3 = reestimate_model(vp3, edgelets3, 5)
# Compute the homography and warp
# warped_img = compute_homography_and_warp(image, vp1, vp2, clip_factor=clip_factor)
# Print results
for i, vp in enumerate(vps):
print(f'vp{i+1} = [{vp[0]}, {vp[1]}, {vp[2]}]')
vis_model(image, vp)
return vps